Unzen Nita Toge 雲仙仁田峠

Unzen Fugen-dake

November 27th. 2024

Michi no eki Ariake

Perhaps 7 or 8 overnight visitors at michi no eki Ariake. The facilities are adequate but very draughty being open to the elements on both sides.

But it does have a pleasant Onsen. It is an OK place.

The weather which has been very kind on this trip has taken a dramatic turn for the worse. Very changeable with brief periods of sunshine and torrential showers. It is also very windy.

The view at michinoeki Ariake

The view at Michi no eki Ariake

Shimatetsu Ferry

We take the usually sedate ferry, from Amakusa Oniike port to Shimabaru Kuchinotsu, that today pitches and plunges quite alarmingly, spray bursting over the bows.

*Shimatetsu ferry ; 500 yen / adult, 3,300 yen / a car 4m. ~ 5m. long

Nita Pass

As the weather has broken and dry periods sparse for the next few days we are heading home a day early, but first take a look at Nita Toge (Nita Pass).

This is a famous spot for momiji, maple trees, but the colourful display is now well past its best so there are few other vehicles.

The road is one way and costs 100 yen. This is money well spent as it provides spectacular views with or without momiji. It also offers insight into the 1990 eruption of Unzen Fugen-dake.

The view from Nita Toge

The view from Nita Toge to the Ariake Kai.

This sudden eruption killed, I think, 45 people and destroyed 2000 homes spewing pyroclastic flows as far as the Ariake-kai (sea).

From the highest viewing point, you can see the new summit Heisei Shinzan which is significantly higher than the also visible previous summit Unzen Fugen-dake. It is also notable how the landscape has recovered in 30 years.



From Unzen, we skirt the Ariake-kai which looks magnificent under the stormy sky with patches of sunshine catching the poles of the nori (sea weed) nets. Then on through intermittent showers till we reach home.

Unzen Tara Sea Line

Unzen Tara Sea Line

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